Social Media for Business
Keep your business on the Map
Seminar includes Account Set up - Account Management - SM Marketing and Success
as well as many additional topics
Please Note: Date Change TBA
We are currently awaiting confirmation on a new date
for the social media for
business seminar.
One of the presenters had to postpone and we will update the public as soon as the new date is confirmed.
If you would like to join the seminar please fill out the form below so we can contact you with the new date.
Live out of town?
You can now join as an attendee via livestream. Limited to participants not in the NY/NJ region.
Email for info and to join.
“People who attend this seminar will walk away with a lot of realistic tools and be better positioned to succeed in this field” says R’ Duvi Honig, founder of Parnassah Network Seminars. “Additionally, the people they network with at the seminar and the presenters they will get to know as mentors beyond the actual seminar are a priceless addition to the actual value of the seminar”
The presenters at this seminar were hand-picked by to include successful social media and marketing for business people who have intimate knowledge – and success- in the social media training arena. The presenters keenly understand the science of social media for business and are able to share their experience and knowledge with others . The presenters will be available to answer questions and mentor seminar registrants beyond the day of the actual seminar. Having someone to call upon and reach out to as you navigate the often frustrating and difficult waters of social media for business is a valuable resource and can often be the difference between real success and failure. This Seminar will really help you run a successful social media platform for your business.